Melintasi perbatasan sebuah negara adalah perjalanan favorit saya. Salah satu yang paling memorable adalah melintasi perbatasan Korea Utara dan Cina. Setelah masuknya melalui jalur udara menggunakan Koryo Air, saya memilih jalur darat, alias naik sleeper train, meninggalkan Pyongyang. Beruntung kita yang bukan berpaspor Amerika Serikat, karena mereka hanya diperbolehkan datang dan pergi menggunakan pesawat terbang….
Tag: Beijing
Mencari Tempat Duduk di Kereta Menuju the Great Wall
Banyak peringatan tentang scamming atau penipu yang pura-pura baik, ketika saya mencari informasi mengenai Tiongkok. Dari hasil baca-baca tersebut, membuat saya sangat berhati-hati saat mendekati atau didekati orang ketika akhirnya berada di Beijing. Jangankan yang berpenampilan kusam, yang bergaya rapi pun, saya waspadai. Suatu hari, dalam perjalanan menuju Tembok Cina dari Beijing North Railway Station…
To the Great Wall without Tour is Possible
For you who are in China and planning to go to the Great Wall, is possible to get there without going on any travel agencies. I did it when I was in the country in September 2014, and it’s pretty easy. You will be at Badaling Section which is about one and half hour from the…
Beijing for the First Timer
Besides issue of cleanliness and privacy of toilet, fake money was my another concern while I was in Beijing. Following are my very first experiences for four days in the city. Shocking experiences The Chinese were everywhere, so I couldn’t recognize them visitors or locals. What the most I didn’t like was wherever I went,…
Staying at Beijing Airport
Actually I had to stay two nights in Beijing, but I wanted to save money by staying only one night in hostel. I booked a flight arriving at night, so I could stay my first night at the airport. For tomorrow night I planned to stay at hostel which I had its address but I…